Thursday, August 31, 2006

What in Nature calls Me?

There are two things that come to mind when I think of the beauty of nature. I love flowers and vast open scenes. God is in all that we see around us but I really see what he is when I look at flowers. I get so disappointed every time I take a photograph of a flower. I can never really capture what my heart feels when I look at them. At their detail, their gentleness, their beautiful colors. I wonder how he could of come up with so many different varieties and still have time for every thing else he has given us.

I also feel all inspired by his glory when I see a beautiful scene. The whole big picture yet I can only see a fraction. It is just one of those "AHHHH" moments in life when I realize how much I rely on and need Him.

Monday, August 07, 2006


This week one of the Just4Keeps photo challenges is reflections. Last summer I photographed this antique store window in Navarre Ohio. I am thinking that Past or Present would make a good title. For just a moment I think I am going to reflect on this....Past or Present. I feel that I spend way too much time focusing on the past. What is with that anyway? I will think about what I did in high school and wish I could change it. I will worry about the conversation I had with the lady at Church last Sunday and worry that I offended in some way. I can't take it back. I need to focus more of my attention on what is going on right now. How I can help make the world (or my world) better in some way. How I can help my children grow. And how I can grow to be closer and more in tune with God.

Friday, August 04, 2006

I used my camera again!!!!!

I pulled out all the stops this time! Jaxon spent the night with us last weekend and Lynne wanted me to take some photos of him because he turned 6 months. Jaxon and I had fun. Check him out!He is such a cutie!