Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Summer is here. What have I been up to?

To all my family and friends, I am happy you have chosen to stop by and say hello. I have been having a fun spring. Larry and I went to Jamacia for a week. We a had a fun time with our new friends and had a great time visiting the jungle. Here are a few pictures of us.

We have also been running. Larry and I continue to run in little 5 and 10 K races. June 1st was the 1st in a summer time race series we are participating in. All of this is to help keep us motivated and working. We are going to run a half marathon in the Fall that is in Tulsa. here is a photo of me and 2 of of my running/dance sisters.

And then on June 2nd I participated in my First real Art Festival. I had a tent and every thing.