Friday, February 29, 2008

My Two Year old Nephew

Took some pictures of my Two Year old nephew a couple of weeks ago. These pictures just prove I have a lot of leaning to do. Too many shadows.

A few more of my Beautiful Belly Dancing friends

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I have taken a few pictures this weekend

Thought I would share with my fans..hehehe

This is Civia. She is an awesome dancer. Well, they all are in fact. She is also a wonderful teacher.

These are the Aalim Starz. They are a Belly Dancing troop in Oklahoma. Someday I may be as good as them...It could happen.

This is Nahlah. Does she not have the prettiest smile. She is also an amazing dancer and friend.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Friday, February 01, 2008

My Very Own Febuary Contest

I always wonder if ANYONE ever looks at my blog. Well, I know that my blog is mostly for my enjoyment but it is nice to know if any one else is out there and what they think.

So, here is my contest. Every time you make a comment you are entered into my drawing. At the end of the month I will put all the names into a hat and one of the girls will pull out a name. That lucky person will get an 11x14 print of one of their favorite photos that I have taken.

So, for all you lurkers, start commenting, make me feel loved and make yourself a winner.

**Negative comments are welcome if they are constructive.

Todays Route 66 memories

Monday, January 28, 2008

Mother Road ,Father Bridge

The Mother Road led us through Eastern Oklahoma on a beautiful Sunday morning. We had a lovely clear blue sky with the sun low in the January sky. We came across this short bridge that marked one of the rivers along the way.
Bridges are like God and good friends. They get us across the impassable times.
And they share in our bumps and bruises.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

As the road moves on

As we moved on down the road we ran across an old abandoned brick building which forced me to turn my little car around to check it out. There was a plaque on the building that claimed that it was originally a gas station. The station had no electricity and was heated by small fire place in the rear of the building.

Further on down the road we ran into the infamous Rock Cafe. We stopped in for some lunch which was quite tasty and I look forward to returning in the near future so I can capture some photos of the inside.

Monday, January 21, 2008

East on Route 66

Sunday I climbed into the car with my good friend Gerald and we drove up Route 66 until we almost hit the Oklahoma Kansas border. We had a great time scanning the country side for anything interesting to photograph. We started on the East side of Edmond and headed North East to Tulsa. Over the next couple of weeks I will share many of the photos that I took on our little adventure.

Our first stop was the Famous Round Red Barn of Arcadia, Oklahoma. Now, this barn has been photographed a million and one times and I think it is very hard to photograph nicely. The highway is right on the edge of the property with modern power lines all over but for some odd reason...maybe because it was Sunday morning...the fabulous light gods were with me and my camera captured this wonderful photograph. I personally feel that this is the best shot I have ever gotten of the barn and I have tried several time... which only proves the old saying "Try, try again"

We then wandered around the property which has a lovely collection of old rusted farm equipment. I love the color of rust apparently because I just love this photo. I know nothing about farm equipment but I think it belonged to an old plow.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Too many Hobbies?????

It has been brought to my attention in the past that I just might have too many hobbies. They suggested that I might want to give something up so I could really concentrate at being really good at one or two of them. But how does one chose? I DONT!

First came the camera. Now, it did not start out as sophisticated but I always have had a love of good photography. I think it started with some of the lovely pictures my Dad took when I was a kid and just grew from there. Photography frustrates the heck out of me but I can not let this one go because it is challenging and I NEED to get it right. This one is staying.

Then came scrapbooks thanks to a dear dear friend. I had to do something with all the pictures I was taking. Well, it has turned into simple family memory books but good heavens, when you have 3 books that you are making at the same time ( one for me and one for each daughter..thank goodness we stopped with 2 kids ) it takes some time. Nope, can't give this one up. Family history is at stake.

Running, Jogging, walking....1/2 Marathon training. It is all fun and hard and sore but I love it. It gets me out of the house, breathing hard. It is good to feel every part of your body working. It is good to push yourself. It is good to feel it tomorrow. Nope, this one is not going anywhere either. Good health is at risk if I did.
BellyDancing....what am I thinking? Can I really make my body move that way? Am I coordinated at all? Well, not really but it sure it fun. I really do not practice at all during the week but class sure is fun. I always walk out feeling happy and like I can do anything. I may not be a SuperStar any time soon but I can't and should not quite this one either. This one if for pure mental sanity.

Hobbies for me are my way of keeping my mind active and busy. I enjoy each one and each one lets me express myself in different ways. I will share more thoughts on how in later installments.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Why do they grow up so fast?

Six years ago I was holding a sweet little new born in my arms. She was so tiny. Not any tinier than any of the other babies but still small. I wanted to hold you all the time so it was a good thing that you liked being held.

Look at you now...SIX!!!! You dress yourself every day with out being told, you get food out of the cabinet when you want a snack, you can write and you can read and boy, oh boy can you draw.

Happy Birthday Katie. I pray that this year is full of blessings!!!!!

Friday, January 11, 2008

2008 Goals...It is still January...I am not too late.

Just thought I would make my goals public so that all of my good friends could harass me if I slack off. Most of my goals are not major but could be life changing and life improving if I really work at them.

1. I am going to keep running..or jogging, what ever you call it. I want to run at least 10 miles a week and participate in at least one race per month. I will run a 1/2 marathon in the spring.

2. I would like to keep my healthy eating habits that I learned in Weight Watchers with out going to the meetings. I also would like to help the girls be healthy eaters for a life time so they do not turn into an extremist like I can be when it comes to food.

3. I need to become more organized at home so I can venture out, take classes, go to work, something and not feel overwhelmed with mess when I return.

4. I would like to be more of a people person, stay connected with the world instead of locked away in my little house so much.

5. When I commit myself to something I need to do it with a happy heart. 110%,Every thing is more fun that way.

6. And most importantly, I need to get and stay better connected with God. I need to remember something that was written in Psalms..." The Lord Said " I will make you wise, I will show you where to go. I will guild you and watch over you." and I need to live by his will and just let go. I know it will all fall into place if I just follow his plan.

Ok, there you go. 6 things that are written out for the world to see. Most of these things are internally but you can bug me about them if you want.

So, what do you want to do in 2008?

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Blogging and Why we do it.

Today while I was working out I was thinking. I pretty much do my best thinking while I am working out because I am not talking and I am doing the same thing over and over.

Ok, back to the subject at hand, Blogging. Why have we all turned into bloggers? Why do want to share our lives and thoughts with every one? Why to we want to share our thoughts with strangers? Why can we find time to sit and type a story on the computer but we do not have time to call a friend and talk? I really do not have the answer to any of these questions.

Why do I blog? I blog because I want to connect with my family. I blog to help keep track of when things happen. I blog to bring out a creative side. I blog because I think too much.

Have a great day!!!